Shannon Allred Cox
Co-Founder and Board Member
Shannon Cox served as an executive director, primarily working on the Haitian Roots sponsorship programs from 2005 to 2023. She continues to serve as a member of the board of directors. In 2005, Shannon had a goal to raise money to send 20 children to school. Funds were raised that year for 23 children. The funds raised each year since have grown, now with two schools and nearly 500 children enrolled.
Shannon and her husband have six children, including two adopted from Haiti. “A huge change came over my heart,” said Shannon after her first visit to Haiti before founding Haitian Roots. She believes education is the key to overcoming poverty.
Shannon earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Weber State University. She has worked as a court interpreter for the United Way of Northern Utah, Wasatch International Adoptions, and the State of Utah. She is currently a certified Body Code Practitioner, helping others find relief from physical and emotional distress.
Shannon has been married to her husband Jason for more than 20 years. Her favorite pastime is to hike in the mountains with her husband. She also enjoys sports, fitness training and spending time with her children.