Sponsor a Child
Education for Haitian children
There is virtually no access to free public education available to children in Haiti. It can costs upwards of $600 a year for a child to attend school. The majority of Haitian families live on less than $500 a year and eat only one meal per day. This makes education a distant dream for most children.
Sponsoring a child
Haitian Roots is able to educate children for $300 per year. For just $25 per month, you can sponsor one of the children below to attend a Haitian Roots Academy for an entire year. Help us change Haiti's future by empowering these children with education.
Families can't afford education
Prior to the earthquake of 2010, only 50% of Haitian children were enrolled in school and that percentage has gone down every year since then. Out the 60 most impoverished countries, Haiti ranks third from the bottom as the worst place to be a school child, according to a report by The Global Campaign for Education.
Now, for only $25 per month or $300 per year, you can send a child to a Haitian Roots Academy for a year. Select a child in the list above to sponsor or click the button below to donate to help any child attend school.
Breaking the poverty cycle
Education is the greatest tool we have to break the poverty cycle. Children who go to school are healthier, better-nourished, and live longer and more prosperous lives.
When children attend school they become aware of their own potential in the world and are equipped with the life skills necessary to make informed choices and live well in society.

Venmo donations
Not ready to commit to a monthly donation or sponsor a child for a year? Donate any amount through Venmo to help our cause. Search for @HaitianRoots on Venmo or scan the QR code here.